How long have you been planning to paint your house? Well, your wait has paid off well because the right painting season to paint started a while back.
Use this great opportunity to your advantage and give a new look to the house. The house would start giving a haunted look if you don’t paint it for a few years.
A good paint job would not help you restore its former state but it would also increase its market value. The home painting is also one of the cheapest remodeling ideas and if you are looking for the best way to paint a room, then this smart guide would help you understand it better.
It can be your next DIY
The home painting is one of the top DIY ideas and it is a perfect opportunity to show your painting skills. People love painting, especially people with kids plan it because it can play a key role in brain development.
The best part is, it isn’t a difficult task, and with a little knowledge and the right tools you can easily remodel your house.
It might take you a bit longer as compared to the professionals but when the objective is materializing your dreams, then it would worth all the trouble.
You need a good quality of paint
The best painting services in EI Dorado County CA recommends using high-quality paint to repaint your house. The quality of paint is more important than you think because it is directly related to the type of climate you have.
A paint that is designed to perform better under the blazing hot sun would be inefficient under an extremely humid atmosphere. A poor selection might require a repaint after some time. The biggest reason behind commonly seen paint chipping is improper paint selection. So, be vigilant about what you are buying.
The work area has to be prepared
If you think that you’d just start painting right off the bat, then that’s not quite right. You have to prepare the working area so you can start the work.
Preparing the working area has two main parts, in the first phase, you would have to protect the surrounding so the paint wouldn’t damage it. The second part is to prepare the walls or roof whatever you want to paint.
The plastic sheets can be used with adhesive tapes to cover your stuff and even the floor. The wall must be smooth so the overall paint quality would be awesome. Just clean up the wall and use the filler to cover up all the holes and rough surfaces of the wall.
The best way to paint a room includes the usage of primer
When you are all set to paint the house make sure you do a few things exactly as professionals do. This would help you save a lot of money. For example, the professionals use primer for a very good reason. The wall absorbs the paint as soon you apply it because of porosity.
After the first coat of paint, you’d think you have done a great job, but as soon it dries, you’d notice that it got absorbed by the wall. So, to avoid that from happening and eating up your expensive paint use the primer. The primer doesn’t cost much even if you apply multiple coats. So, a smart choice can help you save not only your expensive paint but the effort as well.
Summer is the best home painting season
If you are just wondering when you should actually paint your house, then it’s good news for you because summer is the perfect season for it. You might have noticed that most of the repair work or construction work starts in summer, well there’s a very good reason behind it.
The structure has to be dried perfectly that’s why such work starts in summer. Similarly, the paint has to be dried off perfectly to bring forth the true quality of paint. If you paint in winter, it would take days for drying, and in the meanwhile, it can be damaged. So, don’t take unnecessary risks and save your money by choosing the right season to paint.
It is true that home painting isn’t a difficult task and you can master it with a little effort. Still, the significance of professional painters can’t be ignored. Because a high-quality paint job needs a lot of skills and experience. Above all, an expert painter can help you save a lot of time.
For example, if you can paint one room in a day, then a professional can do at least a couple of rooms easily. Besides, they know how to mix the paints to enhance the paint quality.
They know best way to paint a room. If a wall is in an extremely poor state, an expert would fill it with perfection that you can’t tell if it was ever damaged. So, consider hiring professionals if are having difficulties.