one of the main coverage

The advancement of technology in all fields has also led to important advances in the field of medicine, both in the field of curative medicine, aimed at finding a solution to an already developed disease, and in the field of preventive medicine . In fact, for some of the health insurance companies this area has become one of the main coverage that should be available.

So much so, that this coverage has become a way for insurance companies to differentiate between their services and the services offered by other companies.

But what is preventive medicine?

As its name indicates, preventive medicine deals with the prevention of diseases, so that through early detection , we can anticipate the development of diseases that can reach very worrying levels of severity, and that can also cause the company higher expenses than those that may require early detection.

different stages of our life .

It may be thought that this branch of medicine only affects adults, but the truth is that it is a branch of medicine that must accompany us in one way or another in the different stages of our life .

development of healthy habits

Thus, in the case of children, preventive medicine can be applied in the study of the development of the child, either in the detection of a locomotion problem, or of the possibilities of developing some other disease. As we grow, preventive medicine is also applied in the development of healthy habits , both in eating and in passing periodic exams. And later, preventive medicine can anticipate the development of diseases in older people such as glaucoma or cancer .

However, although cancer appears as the disease for which early detection programs are most commonly developed, it is by no means the only one. Thus, we can name glaucomas, diabetes, coronary diseases that can lead to a cardiovascular problem, dermatological diseases, or even deafness problems that can occur in both children and the elderly.

means of calculating this prima

Currently, insurance companies, when calculating the premium that they are going to offer us in their health insurance , in addition to the well-known health and pre-existing disease forms, can also use preventive medicine systems as means of calculating this prima , examining the chances that a person has of developing one or another disease. Based on this review, the amount of our premium may vary.

regular check – ups

Sometimes we tend to think of “the check-up roll again”, but the truth is that within preventive medicine there is undeniably regular check – ups , so we can be sure that it is not being developed. a disease that for the moment is not showing signs, or that our lifestyle habits are healthy. These exams are not recommended only for older people; we must include them in our habits from an early age, to ensure the detection of a disease that may later become more serious.

health insurance may have included

It is therefore important to study the coverage that each company offers us , since although some consider preventive medicine as one more coverage, we can find other companies in which certain tests are included, but for others a previous diagnosis is required. The periodic exams we referred to earlier are among these tests that good health insurance may have included .

Remember that when we take out health insurance we are not only protecting our health, or that of our family, but also ensuring our quality of life .


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