4 Tell-Tale Signs That You Need SEO Consultancy for Your Business in 2022

Setting up any business requires a lot of heavy lifting in terms of investment. As competition in all markets rise, so does the need to invest in proper marketing and advertisement. One of the most important ways to reach your target clientele or customer base is through online marketing and looking into a Best and Reliable SEO company in Delhi is one of the best things you can do your business.

When to Contact a SEO Consultant

The first step to establishing an online presence is to have your business listed on google and make a corresponding website. Studies show a large percentage of search related to stores which are based offline. Nowadays people like to do a preliminary online research before visiting a store or enquiring over the phone. This makes it vital for businesses to be visible so as to direct traffic and eventually convert the leads to sales. Listed below is a quick checklist which will give you an insight into whether your business requires help from any of the best SEO consultant in Delhi.

#1. Your Business Website is Ready but Does Not Show Up on Google Search

The entire point of building an online website is so that people can learn more about your business and the services/products you offer. If your website does not come up when people looking for services/products similar to the ones you offer, then you are losing out on valuable traffic and potential customers. A Best SEO Company in Delhi  can work with you to make your business more visible and generate traffic to your website.

#2. Your Business Website Used to Have SEO Traffic but It Has Declined Notably 

If your online marketing game is somewhat strong, then you must have set up Google Analytics for your business site when you had published it. It is time to game up if your analytics show that traffic to your website is dwindling or decreasing consistently. There may be a number of causes behind the falling traffic and hence conversion rates and a SEO professional can help you identify and remedy the issue.

#3. Your Website  is Not One of the Google Page One Results

The top search result position on Google is the first result on the first page. It is where every online business listing aspires to be placed. While years of top-notch SEO leads to that pedestal, businesses can realistically aim to be amongst the results that come up on the first page. Only a very meagre percentage of users ever click on the ‘next page’ button to go through the second page listings. If your website is not on the first page of google or is somewhere even beyond the second page, you might want to set up a meeting with the best SEO Company in India.

#4. Your Competitor Shows Up on Google SEO but Your Business Doesn’t

Pretend you are a potential customer searching for the service or product that you offer and make a local search. If your business shows up on that specific search, well and good. But if you find that your competitor’s listing come up on the results and yours don’t, then there is some problem. Try a few different sets of keywords to see if your listing shows up at all. In case it doesn’t, then you need help with search engine optimization.

Investing in SEO services may not seem like worth the effort and money, but in the long run, it pays off tremendously.

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